CONTENTS — volume 25, suppl 1, 1999

Published: 1999


Environment, life-style & fertility


Design options and sources of bias in time-to-pregnancy studies
Methods for obtaining valid data on time to pregnancy among men and women
Analysis of time-to-pregnancy data
Environmental semen studies - is infertility increased by a decline in sperm count?
Measuring endocrine profiles of women in field studies
Characteristics of fertile menstrual cycles
Quality assurance of semen analysis in multicenter studies
Analysis of chromosome aneuploidy in sperm by fluorescence in situ hybridization - a new approach to the study of male fertility in environmental exposures
Flow cytometric sperm chromatin structure assay as an independent descriptor of human semen quality
Stereological methods as efficient and unbiased tools to quantitate structures in the testis
Seasonal variation of semen quality and fertility
General psychosocial and work-related stress and reduced fertility
Critical aspects of male fertility in the assessment of exposure to lead
Effects of occupational solvent exposure on fertility
Hospital work and fecundability
Objectives, designs and populations of the European Asclepios study on occupational hazards to male reproductive capability
Time to pregnancy and paternal exposure to pesticides in preliminary results of Danish and French studies
Time to pregnancy and occupational lead exposure
Time to pregnancy for men occupationally exposed to styrene in several European reinforced plastics companies
Sperm chromatin structure and semen quality following occupational styrene exposure
Seminal characteristics following exposure to pesticides among agricultural workers
Concluding panel on direction for future research on male reproductive capability