CONTENTS — volume 26, no 4, 2000

Published: Aug 2000


Epidemiologically based reference values for postural load of the shoulder

Original article

Shoulder disorders and postural stress in automobile assembly work
Association between plasma testosterone and work-related neck and shoulder disorders among female workers
Acute response to precision, time pressure and mental demand during simulated computer work
Neuroendocrine reactivity and recovery from work with different physical and mental demands
Collection of data for occupational epidemiologic research - results from a survey of European industry
Human cancer risk and exposure to 1,3-butadiene - a tale of mice and men
Hormone-dependent cancer and adverse reproductive outcomes in farmers' families - effects of climatic conditions favoring fungal growth in grain
Assessment of historical exposures in a nickel refinery in Norway
Failure to confi rm neurotoxic impairment using cerebral magnetic resonance imaging on solvent-exposed workers
Time to pregnancy among male workers of the reinforced plastics industry in Denmark, Italy and The Netherlands

Short communication

Agricultural work and the risk of Parkinson's disease in Denmark, 1981-1993


The "Hawthorne effect" - what did the original Hawthorne studies actually show?