CONTENTS — volume 30, no 4, 2004

Published: Aug 2004


Men-the weaker sex? Unexpected results of a systematic review on work exposures and musculoskeletal disorders.


Gender differences in the relations between work-related physical and psychosocial risk factors and musculoskeletal complaints

Original article

Work-related risk factors for the incidence and recurrence of shoulder and neck complaints among nursing-home and elderly-care workers
Perceived health as a predictor of early retirement
Exposure to urban nitrogen dioxide pollution and the risk of myocardial infarction
Sleep strategies of 12-hour shift nurses with emphasis on night sleep episodes
Evaluation of exposure biomarkers from percutaneous absorption of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone
Acute respiratory effects of exposure to ammonia on healthy subjects
Prevention of acute mountain sickness by low positive end-expiratory pressure in field conditions

Short communication

Information demands of occupational health physicians and their attitude towards evidence-based medicine

Case report

Prevention of work-related decompression illness events by detection of a cardiac right-to-left shunt

Letter to the Editor

"You get what you ask for"-impact of the wording of questions on skin disease
