CONTENTS — volume 32, no 1, 2006

Published: 31 Feb 2006


Expanding research on the economics of occupational health


Cost of obesity in the workplace

Original article

Cardiovascular risk factors and low back pain in a long-term follow-up of industrial employees


Ischemia and low-back pain—is it time to include lumbar angina as a cardiovascular disease?

Original article

Update of a meta-analysis on lung cancer and welding
Imputation of individual cancer cases to occupational causes
Genital malformations in newborns of female nickel-refinery workers
Fertility among female hairdressers
Pregnancy outcomes among female hairdressers who participated in the Danish National Birth Cohort
Predicting the duration of sickness absence for patients with common mental disorders in occupational health care
Work ability index of young employees and their sickness absence during the following year

Letter to the Editor

Scientific misconduct—is there a need for policing the profession
