Scand J Work Environ Health 1992;18(4):257-261 pdf | Issue date: 01 Aug 1992
Seasonal variation in neck and shoulder symptoms.
The objective of the investigation was to study the course of neck and shoulder symptoms and the predictors for these symptoms among women in light sedentary work. Postal surveys were conducted among 351 tellers (age 20-50 years) of a bank company in September, December, March, and May. The response rates were 74-90%. The outcome was the frequency of the symptoms during the previous three months. In the analysis, univariate explorations and random-effects logistic binomial regression for distinguishable responses were used. A change in the frequency of neck and shoulder symptoms was seen in 40.5% of the subjects during the follow-up period from autumn to spring. The frequency of the symptoms decreased from autumn and winter towards spring. The stability of the frequency of the symptoms was positively associated with age. Seasonal variation in symptoms should be considered when preventive programs against neck and shoulder disorders are planned and evaluated.