Original article

Scand J Work Environ Health 1990;16(6):440-442    pdf

https://doi.org/10.5271/sjweh.1762 | Issue date: 01 Dec 1990

Association between exposure to a stenching agent in a herbicide packing plant and the occurrence of headache and lethargy.

by Baron CE, Tomenson JA

This study quantifies the relationship between subjective complaints of symptoms and certain work activities and exposures in a plant where herbicide is packed. Data relating to symptoms were collected from 27 subjects (20 men and 7 women) on a daily basis with the use of a questionnaire. In addition, data were collected relating to work activity and exposure to the stenching agent added to the herbicide, atmospheric levels of which were measured with personal monitoring, on a daily basis. Although associations were found between the occurrence of lethargy and certain factors of job history, there was no significant association with exposure to the stenching agent as measured by personal monitoring during the study.