Scand J Work Environ Health 1983;9(2):136-139 pdf | Issue date: Apr 1983
Methods of hazard analysis applied in the light metal industry.
There is a present a wide variety of methods to be used for the identification and evaluation of hazards. The information resulting from a hazard analysis can be used to develop measures for either the elimination or the control of hazards. Hazard analysis has not yet been used very widely in industry. More information is needed, eg, about the applicability of methods to different types of systems. A joint project, where hazard analysis was applied to various fields, was carried out in the Nordic countries. One part of this project concentrated on the light metal industry. A trial was carried out on a production line for which man-machine tasks play an important role. Job analysis was selected as the means of revealing possible accidents. On the production line this procedure turned out to be a good point for systematic investigation. The selection of the methods to be applied within a system should be done carefully. It is important that sufficient knowledge is available both about the characteristics of the system and about the existing methods. The rapid increase of information in this area makes it possible to put hazard analysis to better use in industry.