Scand J Work Environ Health 1981;7 suppl 4:156-165 pdf
Mortality among workers in a die-casting and electroplating plant.
A proportional mortality and case-referent analysis of 238 deaths among hourly employees in an automobile hardware manufacturing plant was conducted. The major operations of the plant were zinc die casting and electroplating. Chemical exposure included die-casting emissions and mists from chrome and nickel plating. The chief proportional mortality finding was a significant excess of lung cancer among both white men and women. A case-referent analysis indicated a possible association between lung cancer and work in certain departments. The findings support the hypothesis of a work-related carcinogenic risk. Follow-up recommendations have been made.
Key terms chromate; chromic acid; die-casting plant; electroplating plant; lung cancer; mortality; nickel; PAH; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; worker