Scand J Work Environ Health 1977;3(1):28-31 pdf | Issue date: Mar 1977
Evaluation of chromium exposure based on a simplified method for urinary chromium determination.
The urine chromium levels for unexposed and chromium exposed persons were determined by a simplified method which is well suited for routine, large-scale use. A group of welders working on chromium alloyed steel were investigated. For these welders a high degree of correlation was found between the concentration of inhaled chromium and the chromium concentration in the urine immediately after work. At an exposure level of 0.05 mg/m3, measured as chromium, a urinary chromium concentration of approximately 40 microng/l was measured after work. This urinary chromium level is suggested as a guideline indicating the need for a thorough investigation of chromium exposure.
Key terms chromium excretion; chromium exposure; urinary chromium; urinary chromium determination; welder