Scand J Work Environ Health 2001;27(5):327-334 pdf | Issue date: Oct 2001
Exposure to hexahydrophthalic and methylhexahydrophthalic anhydrides - dose-response for sensitization and airway effects
Objectives This study clarified the exposure-response relationships for the organic acid anhydrides (OAA) hexahydrophthalic (HHPA) and methylhexahydrophthalic (MHHPA) anhydrides and the development of specific immunoglobulin (IG) E and G antibodies and work-related symptoms.
Methods In an epoxy resin-using factory, air levels of OAA were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Occupational, smoking, and medical histories (questionnaire) were obtained for 154 exposed workers and 57 referents. Work-related symptoms of the eyes and airways were recorded, and OAA metabolites were analyzed in urine. A skin-prick test with common allergens and conjugates of OAA were performed. Specific IgE (radioallergosorbent test) and IgG (enzyme-linked immumosorbent assay) antibodies were determined in serum, and spirometry was performed.
Results Air levels of the OAA were low (HHPA <1 to 94, MHHPA <3 to 77 µg/m3) and associated with the concentrations of the OAA metabolites in urine. Furthermore, for the exposed workers, there were high prevalences of sensitization (IgE 22%, IgG 21%), which correlated with the exposure. Neither atopy nor smoking increased this risk significantly. Furthermore, work-related symptoms were more prevalent among the exposed workers than among the referents (eyes 23% versus 14%, nose 28% versus 16%, nose bleeding 8% versus 0%, lower airways 10% versus 4%), and they were related to the exposure [adjusted prevalence odds ratios (POR) in the highest group 7.7, 3.6 and 17, respectively) and the IgE levels (POR 4.9, 3.1 and 5.6, respectively).
Conclusions In spite of the very low OAA levels in the air and metabolites in the urine, there were high and exposure-related risks of specific IgE and IgG sensitization and of work-related symptoms for the eyes, nose (especially bleeding), and lower airways.
Key terms air; airway effect; biological monitoring; dose–response; epistaxis; exposure; hexahydrophthalic anhydrides; immunoglobulin E; immunoglobulin G; metabolite; methylhexahydrophthalic anhydrides; organic acid anhydride; sensitization; work-related symptom