SJWEH Supplements are open access, (mostly) non-peer-reviewed articles usually published in theme issues or as part of a series of papers from a conference or workshop. Scand J Work Environ Health stopped publishing SJWEH Supplements in 2009.


SJWEH Supplements 2005;(no 1):23-27    pdf

Challenges in occupational safety and health from the global market economy and from demographic change—facts, trends, policy response and actual need for preventive occupational health services in Europe

by Froneberg B

The last few decades of increasing globalized trade have led to profound changes in enterprise structure and organization. Among the negative effects of global competition and deregulation are the increasing fragmentation of work, the rise of unemployment, informal sector economy, and migration. Decreasing fertility and rising longevity in industrialized nations severely strain social security systems and require measures to decrease the economic dependency ratio (job creation, increased participation of women, extension of worklife, etc). The prolongation of worklife is dependant on good health. Age-related health disorders such as musculoskeletal problems are increasing and have become the leading cause of absenteeism and cost. Better prevention will require an integrated management of safety and health determinants at work that is supported by all stakeholders of organized civil society.