Author: Vahtera J

Book review 2000;26(6):533-534
Health Effects of the New Labour Market
Vahtera J, reviewer
Article 2006;32(6):431-442   pdf
Work stress in the etiology of coronary heart disease—a meta-analysis
Kivimäki M, Virtanen M, Elovainio M, Kouvonen A, Väänänen A, Vahtera J
Editorial 2006;32(6):413-419   pdf
Work-related stress and health—risks, mechanisms and countermeasures
Härmä M, Kompier MAJ, Vahtera J
Original article 2006;32(3):204-208   pdf
Prevalent cardiovascular disease, risk factors and selection out of shift work
Kivimäki M, Virtanen M, Elovainio M, Väänänen A, Keltikangas-Järvinen L, Vahtera J
Original article 2004;30(6):468-476   pdf
Sickness absence and the organization of nursing care among hospital nurses
Kivimäki M, Mäkinen A, Elovainio M, Vahtera J, Virtanen M, Firth-Cozens J
Original article 2001;27(6):365-372   pdf
Contingent employment, health and sickness absence
Virtanen M, Kivimäki M, Elovainio M, Vahtera J, Cooper CL
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