Author: Landrigan PJ

Original article 1982;8(3):169-177   pdf
Occupational exposure to arsine. An epidemiologic reappraisal of current standards.
Landrigan PJ, Costello RJ, Stringer WT
Original article 1983;9(2):83-88   pdf
Reproductive hazards in the workplace. Development of epidemiologic research.
Landrigan PJ, Melius JM, Rosenberg MJ, Coye MJ, Binkin NJ
Original article 1986;12(1):32-39   pdf
Silicosis in a grey iron foundry. The persistence of an ancient disease.
Landrigan PJ, Cherniack MG, Lewis FA, Catlett LR, Hornung RW
Original article 1990;16(2):135-143   pdf
Detection of adducts of deoxyribonucleic acid in white blood cells of roofers by 32P-postlabeling. Relationship of adduct levels to measures of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Herbert R, Marcus M, Wolff MS, Perera FP, Andrews L, Godbold JH, Rivera M, Stefanidis M, Lu XQ, Landrigan PJ, et al.
Article SJWEH Suppl 2005; (1):43-45   pdf
Children and other high-risk workers as a special challenge to occupational health services
Landrigan PJ, Newman B