Author: Brochard P

Original article 2006;32(1):32-40   pdf
Imputation of individual cancer cases to occupational causes
Vandentorren S, Salmi LR, Mathoulin-PĂ©lissier S, Baldi I, Brochard P; Bayesian Imputability Group
Original article 2004;30(3):206-214   pdf
Factors associated with early-stage pulmonary fibrosis as determined by high-resolution computed tomography among persons occupationally exposed to asbestos
Paris C, Benichou J, Raffaelli C, Genevois A, Fournier L, Menard G, Broessel N, Ameille J, Brochard P, Gillon J-C, Gislard A, Letourneux M
Original article 1996;22(4):274-284   pdf
Ubiquitous fiber exposure in selected sampling sites in Europe
Schneider T, Burdett G, Martinon L, Brochard P, Guillemin M, Teichert U, Draeger U