Author: Stevens RG

Letter to the Editor 2017;43(1):95-95   pdf full text
Letter in reference to: “Short-term effects of night shift work on breast cancer risk: a cohort study of payroll data”
Stevens RG
Letter to the Editor 2015;41(1):105-106   pdf full text
Re: Bracci M et al. “Rotating-shift nurses after a day off: peripheral clock gene expression, urinary melatonin, and serum 17–estradiol levels.”
Stevens RG, Zhu Y
Letter to the Editor 2013;39(6):631-632   pdf full text
Response to Ijaz S, et al. “Night-shift work and breast cancer - a systematic review and meta-analysis”
Stevens RG, Hansen J, Schernhammer ES, Davis S
Consensus report 2012;38(4):380-390   pdf
Work at night and breast cancer – report on evidence-based options for preventive actions
Bonde JP, Hansen J, Kolstad HA, Mikkelsen S, Olsen JH, Blask DE, Härmä M, Kjuus H, de Koning HJ, Olsen J, Møller M, Schernhammer ES, Stevens RG, Åkerstedt T