Author: Vistisen HT

Original article 2018;44(6):647-657   pdf full text
Indoor, outdoor, and night work and blood concentrations of vitamin D and parathyroid hormone
Daugaard S, Garde AH, Hansen ÅM, Vistisen HT, Rejnmark L, Kolstad HA
Letter to the Editor 2017;43(1):96-96   pdf full text
Response to Dr Stevens’ letter ref. Visitisen et al: “Short-term effects of night shift work on breast cancer risk: a cohort study of payroll data”
Kolstad HA, Garde AH, Hansen ÅM, Frydenberg M, Christiansen P, Vistisen HT, Bonde JPE
Original article 2017;43(1):59-67   pdf full text
Short-term effects of night shift work on breast cancer risk: a cohort study of payroll data
Vistisen HT, Garde AH, Frydenberg M, Christiansen P, Hansen ÅM, Hansen J, Bonde JPE, Kolstad HA