Key term: cleaning

Original article 2022;48(2):127-136   pdf full text
Professional cleaning and risk of asthma – a Danish nationwide register-based study
Sejbaek CS, Flachs EM, Carøe TK, Meyer HW, Frederiksen M, Frydendall KB, Wolkoff P, Clausen PA, Hougaard KS, Schlünssen V
Original article 2009;35(5):376-383   pdf
Evaluation of respiratory effects related to high-pressure cleaning in a piggery with and without robot pre-cleaning
Hiel D, von Schéele I, Sundblad B-M, Larsson K, Palmberg L
Review SJWEH Suppl 2008; (4):10-17   pdf
Dust and fibers as a cause of indoor environment problems
Schneider T
Original article 2001;27(1):76-81   pdf
Asthma risk, cleaning activities and use of specific cleaning products among Spanish indoor cleaners
Zock J-P, Kogevinas M, Sunyer J, Almar E, Muniozguren N, Payo F, Sánchez JL, Antó JM
Original article 1999;25(4):361-367   pdf
Visual analogue scales for detection of changes in symptoms of the sick building syndrome in an intervention study
Kildesø J, Wyon D, Skov T, Schneider T
Original article 1999;25(2):137-143   pdf
Nasal patency and lavage biomarkers in relation to settled dust and cleaning routines in schools
Wålinder R, Norbäck D, Wieslander G, Smedje G, Erwall C, Venge P