Key term: workplace injury

Original article 2024;50(6):406-415   pdf full text
Physical activity and risk of workplace and commuting injuries: a cohort study
Alhainen M, Härmä M, Pentti J, Ervasti J, Kivimäki M, Vahtera J, Stenholm S
Original article 2019;45(2):194-202   pdf full text
Effectiveness of a no-cost-to-workers, slip-resistant footwear program for reducing slipping-related injuries in food service workers: a cluster randomized trial
Bell JL, Collins JW, Chiou S
Original article 2017;43(3):226-233   pdf full text
Effectiveness of participatory training in preventing accidental occupational injuries: a randomized-controlled trial in China
Yu ITS, Yu W, Li Z, Qiu H, Wan S, Xie S, Wang X
Original article 2017;43(2):155-162   pdf full text
Obscured by administrative data? Racial disparities in occupational injury
Sabbath EL, Boden LI, Williams JAR, Hashimoto D, Hopcia K, Sorensen G
Discussion paper 2006;32(2):160-167   pdf
Preventing injury, illness and disability at work
Frank J, Cullen K; Institute for Work & Health Ad Hoc Working Group