Key term: health hazard

Amendments and corrections 1981;7 suppl 3:0-
Vihma Tapani
Original article 1977;3(2):73-79   pdf
Occupational noise as a health hazard: physiological viewpoint.
Møller AR
Supplement 1981;7 suppl 3:1-149   pdf
Health hazards and stress factors in small industry - Prevalence study in the province of Uusimaa with special reference to the type of industry and the occupational title as classifications for the description of occupational health problems.
Vihma T
Article SJWEH Suppl 2007; (3):42-48   pdf
Health hazard of the increased widespread use of new technologies by children and young people in northern Italy
Fubini E, Micheletti Cremasco M, Toscano E, Busceti F, Laporta S, Ladisa G