Key term: coping

Original article 2023;49(6):395-404   pdf full text
Gender-based harassment in Swedish workplaces and alcohol-related morbidity and mortality: A prospective cohort study
Blindow KJ, Thern E, Hernando-Rodriguez JC, Nyberg A, Magnusson Hanson LL
Original article 2020;46(6):589-598   pdf full text
Psychosocial job strain and polypharmacy: a national cohort study
Tan ECK, Pan K-Y, Magnusson Hanson LL, Fastbom J, Westerlund H, Wang H-X
Original article 2009;35(2):145-152   pdf
Changes in stress and coping from a randomized controlled trial of a three-month stress management intervention
Willert MV, Thulstrup AM, Hertz J, Bonde JP
Article SJWEH Suppl 2008; (6):177-183   pdf
Cognitive activation theory of stress—how are individual experiences mediated into biological systems?
Reme SE, Eriksen HR, Ursin H
Editorial 2003;29(5):325-327   pdf
Can we cope with a shortage of time at work?
Sallinen M
Original article 1999;25(3):264-271   pdf
Predictors for work incapacity continuing after disc surgery
Donceel P, Du Bois M
Clinical report 1997;23 suppl 3:97-103   pdf
Technological stress: psychophysiological aspects of working with modern information technology
Arnetz BB
Review 1997;23 suppl 3:7-16   pdf
Somatization and fashionable diagnoses: illness as a way of life
Ford CV