Key term: mechanism

Discussion paper 2024;50(4):233-243   pdf full text
Working hours and health – key research topics in the past and future
Härmä M, Kecklund G, Tucker P
Original article 2019;45(2):126-133   pdf full text
Bi-directional relation between effort‒reward imbalance and risk of neck-shoulder pain: assessment of mediation through depressive symptoms using occupational longitudinal data
Halonen JI, Lallukka T, Virtanen M, Rod NH, Magnusson Hanson LL
Editorial 2013;39(2):121-124   pdf full text
Understanding mechanisms: opening the “black box” in observational studies
Kristensen P, Aalen OO
Discussion paper 2010;36(2):163-179   pdf
Shift work and cancer – considerations on rationale, mechanisms, and epidemiology
Costa G, Haus E, Stevens R
Editorial 2006;32(6):413-419   pdf
Work-related stress and health—risks, mechanisms and countermeasures
Härmä M, Kompier MAJ, Vahtera J
Article 1998;24 suppl 2:5-9   pdf
Toxicologic profile of acrylonitrile
Woutersen RA