CONTENTS — volume 32, no 4, 2006

Published: 31 Aug 2006


Reducing sickness absenteeism at the workplace—what to do and how?


Systematic review of the qualitative literature on return to work after injury

Original article

Occupational exposures and head and neck cancers among Swedish construction workers
Occupational exposure to ionizing radiation and electromagnetic fields in relation to the risk of thyroid cancer in Sweden
Work organization and musculoskeletal injuries among a cohort of health care workers
Recall of prior musculoskeletal pain
Changes in neuromuscular function due to intermittently increased workload during repetitive work in cold conditions
Objective neuropsychological test performance of professional divers reporting a subjective complaint of “forgetfulness or loss of concentration”
Overtime work and its effects on sleep, sleepiness, cortisol and blood pressure in an experimental field study


Sleep deprivation of working adolescents—a hidden work hazard



Professor Lars Hagmar, MD, PhD