CONTENTS — volume 20, no 3, 1994

Published: 01 Jun 1994

Original article

Work load and musculoskeletal complaints during pregnancy.
Occupational risk factors for renal-cell carcinoma in Denmark.
Potential parental exposure to pesticides and limb reduction defects.
Early indicators of renal dysfunction in silicotic workers.
Etiologic fractions for physical work load, sports and overweight in the occurrence of coxarthrosis.
Impaired nerve conduction in the carpal tunnel of platers and truck assemblers exposed to hand-arm vibration.
Effect of incomplete exposure assessment on epidemiologic dose-response analyses.
Prevalence of hand dermatoses among Finnish farmers.
Pleural mesothelioma and asbestos exposure among Italian oil refinery workers.
Acute respiratory disorder, rhinoconjunctivitis and fever associated with the pyrolysis of polyurethane derived from diphenylmethane diisocyanate.

Letter to the Editor

Re: "Role of the herbicide atrazine in the development of non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma" by S Hoar Zahm, DD Weisburger, KP Kantor, FF Holmes, A Blair. Scand J Work Environ Health 1993; 19:108-14.

Meeting report

Meeting of the IARC working group on some industrial chemicals.

Book review

