CONTENTS — volume 19, suppl 1, 1993

Published: 1993


Biological monitoring, carcinogenicity and risk assessment of trace elements.
Nordberg GF, guest editor, Skerfving S, guest editor


Original article

Biological monitoring of toxic metals.
Recommendations of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry concerning analytical quality criteria in the biological monitoring of toxic metals.
International project for producing reference values for concentrations of trace elements in human blood and urine--TRACY.
Biological monitoring of cadmium exposure--an Italian experience.
Biological monitoring of nickel in humans.
Normal concentrations of chromium in serum and urine--a TRACY project.
Biological monitoring of exposure to mercury vapor.
Biological monitoring of arsenic, lead and cadmium in occupationally and environmentally exposed pregnant women.
In vivo x-ray fluorescence measurements of cadmium and lead.
Biological monitoring of inorganic lead.
Reference values for the biological monitoring of trace elements in environmental and occupational health. Report of a panel discussion in Stockholm 25 May 1992.
Carcinogenicity of trace elements with reference to evaluations made by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Molecular targets of nickel and chromium in human and experimental systems.
Search for molecular mechanisms in the genotoxicity of nickel.
Role of chemical species and exposure characteristics in cancer among persons occupationally exposed to chromium compounds.
Lung cancer in smelter workers--interactions of metals as indicated by tissue levels.
Epidemiologic studies of occupational cancer as related to complex mixtures of trace elements in the art glass industry.
Cancer risks for humans from exposure to the semiconductor metals.
Cadmium carcinogenesis and its relationship to other health effects in humans.
Excess cancer incidence among workers exposed to fluoride.
Carcinogenicity of trace elements. Report of a panel discussion in Stockholm 25 May 1992.
Risk assessment of essential elements.
Risk assessment of essential trace elements--considerations from the Swedish National Food Administration.
Reference dose of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Essentiality and toxicity of selenium with respect to recommended dietary allowances and reference doses.
Risk assessment of selenium.
Chromium as an essential and toxic metal.
Toxicity versus essentiality of chromium.
Zinc requirements, the recommended dietary allowance and the reference dose.
Zinc and the stress response.
Essentiality and toxicity of zinc.
Determination of the possible requirement and reference dose levels for arsenic in humans.

Concluding remarks on the toxicity of essential metals