CONTENTS — volume 43, no 2, 2017

Published: 01 Mar 2017


Mortality of Shift Workers


A systematic review of brief mental health and well-being interventions in organizational settings

Original article

The impact of reduced worktime on sleep and perceived stress – a group randomized intervention study using diary data
Shift work and overall and cause-specific mortality in the Danish nurse cohort
Shift workers have similar leisure-time physical activity levels as day workers but are more sedentary at work
Sleep disturbance and the older worker: findings from the Health and Employment after Fifty study
Joint association of multimorbidity and work ability with risk of long-term sickness absence: a prospective cohort study with register follow-up
Obscured by administrative data? Racial disparities in occupational injury
Reversible median nerve impairment after three weeks of repetitive work
Occupational use of high-level disinfectants and fecundity among nurses
Occupational self-coding and automatic recording (OSCAR): a novel web-based tool to collect and code lifetime job histories in large population-based studies

Short communication

Does human resource primacy moderate the impact of psychological distress on subsequent risk for disability retirement?