CONTENTS — volume 46, no 2, 2020

Published: 01 Mar 2020


Advancing mediation analysis in occupational health research


The impact of ambient temperature on the incidence of urolithiasis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Health economic evaluations of interventions to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary behavior at the workplace: a systematic review

Original article

Shift work and its relation with meal and snack patterns among healthcare workers
Shift work and the risk of knee osteoarthritis among Chinese workers: a retrospective cohort study
Relationship of shift work with endoscopic gastritis among workers of an electronics company
Predicting future changes in the work ability of individuals receiving a work disability benefit: weighted analysis of longitudinal data
Breast cancer specialists' perspective on their role in their patients' return to work: A qualitative study
Does occupational lifting affect the risk of hypertension? Cross-sectional and prospective associations in the Copenhagen City Heart Study
Association between work stress and risk of suicidal ideation: A cohort study among Korean employees examining gender and age differences
Status incongruence in human service occupations and implications for mild-to-severe depressive symptoms and register-based sickness absence: A prospective cohort study
Multimorbidity is common among young workers and related to increased work absenteeism and presenteeism: results from the population–based Raine Study cohort