SJWEH Supplements are open access, (mostly) non-peer-reviewed articles usually published in theme issues or as part of a series of papers from a conference or workshop. Scand J Work Environ Health stopped publishing SJWEH Supplements in 2009.


SJWEH Supplements 2008;(no 4):46-49    pdf

Design of room acoustics for open offices

by Keränen J, Virjonen P, Oliva Elorza D, Hongisto OV

Objectives Noise control in open offices should aim at reducing disturbances caused by speech noise (ie, improve speech privacy). Room acoustics can be controlled with high room absorption, high screens and book cases, and sufficient masking sound. The interaction between these means is complicated, especially when speech privacy is studied at different distances from a speaking worker. The aim of this study was to develop a simple and fast model that predicts the room acoustics in an open office in a way that has a high correlation with the experienced acoustic environment.

Methods Room acoustics were measured in 15 open offices. The model was developed using a multivariable regression analysis of the experimental data.

Results The accuracy of the model was found to be sufficient for practical design work.

Conclusions The modeling tool is freely available on the Internet. It facilitates acoustical design significantly in all phases of building design.