Key term: work

Original article 2025;51(1):15-25   pdf full text
Emotional dissonance and mental health among home-care workers: A nationwide prospective study of the moderating role of leadership behaviors
Johannessen HA, Nielsen MB, Knutsen RH, Skare Ø, Christensen JO
Editorial 2024;50(6):389-393   pdf full text
A complex systems lens can help us understand drivers of emerging challenges in work and health
Rod NH, Kreshpaj B, Stronks K
Review 2024;50(5):329-340   pdf full text
Occupational psychosocial exposures and chronic low-back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Jahn A, Andersen JH, Seidler A, Christiansen DH, Dalbøge A
Original article 2024;50(2):61-72   pdf full text
The labor market costs of work-related stress: A longitudinal study of 52 763 Danish employees using multi-state modeling
Pedersen J, Graversen BK, Hansen KS, Madsen IEH
Original article 2024;50(1):11-21   pdf full text
Association of objectively measured lifting load with low-back pain, stress, and fatigue: A prospective cohort study
Bláfoss R, Aagaard P, Clausen T, Andersen LL
Original article 2023;49(8):558-568   pdf full text
Development and validation of a work-related risk score for upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders in a French working population
Rapicault C, Roquelaure Y, Bodin J, Fouquet N, Bertrais S
Editorial 2023;49(3):165-169   pdf full text
Post-COVID condition or “long COVID”, return-to work, and occupational health research
Descatha A, Evanoff BA, Fadel M
Original article 2022;48(8):641-650   pdf full text
Physical work demands and expected labor market affiliation (ELMA): Prospective cohort with register-follow-up among 46 169 employees
Pedersen J, Bjorner JB, Andersen LL
Original article 2022;48(6):490-497   pdf full text
Associations between single and combined occupational mechanical exposures and surgery for subacromial impingement syndrome: a nationwide Danish cohort study
Dalbøge A, Frost P, Andersen JH, Svendsen SW
Original article 2021;47(8):600-608   pdf full text
Sickness absence and return to work among employees with knee osteoarthritis with and without total knee arthroplasty: a prospective register linkage study among Finnish public sector employees
Kaila-Kangas L, Leino-Arjas P, Koskinen A, Takala E-P, Oksanen T, Ervasti J, Kausto J
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