Key term: work

Original article 2020;46(6):599-608   pdf full text
Maternal occupational exposure and congenital heart defects in offspring
Spinder N, Bergman JEH, Kromhout H, Vermeulen R, Corsten-Janssen N, Boezen HM, du Marchie Sarvaas GJ, de Walle HEK
Original article 2020;46(1):50-59   pdf full text
Individual placement and support for young adults at risk of early work disability (the SEED trial). A randomized controlled trial
Sveinsdottir V, Lie SA, Bond GR, Eriksen HR, Tveito TH, Grasdal AL, Reme SE
Review 2018;44(5):458-474   pdf full text
Productivity estimation in economic evaluations of occupational health and safety interventions: a systematic review
Steel J, Godderis L, Luyten J
Original article 2017;43(5):465-474   pdf full text
Does age modify the association between psychosocial factors at work and deterioration of self-rated health?
Burr H, Hasselhorn HM, Kersten N, Pohrt A, Rugulies R
Original article 2017;43(3):210-216   pdf full text
Occupational and recreational physical activity and Parkinson’s disease in Denmark
Shih I-F, Starhof C, Lassen CF, Hansen J, Liew Z, Ritz B
Original article 2016;42(6):500-509   pdf full text
The effect of motherhood and work on women's time pressure: A cohort analysis using the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health
Otterbach S, Tavener M, Forder P, Powers J, Loxton D, Byles J
Commentary 2016;42(6):557-560   pdf full text
Critical reflections on the currently leading definition of sustainable employability
Fleuren BPI, de Grip A, Jansen NWH, Kant I, Zijlstra FRH
Review 2016;42(5):359-370   pdf full text
Workplace bullying and sickness absence: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the research literature
Nielsen MB, Indregard AMR, Øverland S
Editorial 2016;42(5):355-358   pdf full text
Organizational stress management interventions: Is it the singer not the song?
Kompier M, Aust B
Discussion paper 2016;42(4):346-353   pdf full text
Labor markets and health: an integrated life course perspective
Amick BC, McLeod CB, Bültmann U
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