Author: Vermeulen R

Original article 2024;50(5):351-358   pdf full text
Occupational exposure to benzene and mortality risk of lymphohaematopoietic cancers in the Swiss National Cohort
Ge C, Spoerri A, Egger M, Rothman N, Lan Q, Huss A, Vermeulen R; The Swiss National Cohort
Original article 2024;50(3):178-186   pdf full text
Respirable crystalline silica and lung cancer in community-based studies: impact of job-exposure matrix specifications on exposure–response relationships
Ohlander J, Kromhout H, Vermeulen R, Portengen L, Kendzia B, Savary B, Cavallo D, Cattaneo A, Migliori E, Richiardi L, Plato N, Wichmann H-E, Karrasch S, Consonni D, Landi MT, Caporaso NE, Siemiatycki J, Gustavsson P, Jöckel K-H, Ahrens W, Pohlabeln H, Fernández-Tardón G, Zaridze D, Lissowska, Swiatkowska, Field, McLaughlin JR, Demers PA, Pandics T, Forastiere F, Fabianova E, Schejbalova M, ForetovaL, Janout V, Mates D, Barul C, Brüning T, Behrens T, Straif K, Schüz J, Olsson A, Peters S
Short communication 2021;47(6):475-481   pdf
Application of two job indices for general occupational demands in a pooled analysis of case–control studies on lung cancer
Hovanec J, Siemiatycki J, Conway DI, Olsson A, Guenel P, Luce D, Jöckel K-H, Pohlabeln H, Ahrens W, Karrasch S, Wichmann H-E, Gustavsson P, Consonni D, Merletti F, Richiardi L, Simonato Lorenzo, Fortes C, Parent M-É, McLaughlin JR, Demers P, Landi MT, Caporaso N, Fernández-Tardón G, Zaridze D, Świątkowska B, Pándics T, Lissowska J, Fabianova E, Field JK, Mates D, Bencko V, Foretova L, Janout V, Kromhout H, Vermeulen R, Boffetta P, Straif K, Schüz J, Casjens S, Pesch B, Brüning T, Behrens T
Original article 2020;46(6):599-608   pdf full text
Maternal occupational exposure and congenital heart defects in offspring
Spinder N, Bergman JEH, Kromhout H, Vermeulen R, Corsten-Janssen N, Boezen HM, du Marchie Sarvaas GJ, de Walle HEK
Original article 2017;43(6):595-603   pdf full text
Occupational exposures to solvents and metals are associated with fixed airflow obstruction
Alif SM, Dharmage SC, Benke G, Dennekamp M, Burgess JA, Perret JL, Lodge CJ, Morrison S, Johns DP, Giles GG, Gurrin LC, Thomas PS, Hopper JL, Wood-Baker R, Thompson BR, Feather IH, Vermeulen R, Kromhout H, Walters EH, Abramson MJ, Matheson MC
Original article 2016;42(6):459-468   pdf full text
Shift workers have a similar diet quality but higher energy intake than day workers
Hulsegge G, Boer JMA, van der Beek AJ, Verschuren WMM, Sluijs I, Vermeulen R, Proper KI
Original article 2015;41(5):467-477   pdf full text
Lung cancer among coal miners, ore miners and quarrymen: smoking-adjusted risk estimates from the synergy pooled analysis of case–control studies
Taeger D, Pesch B, Kendzia B, Behrens T, Jöckel K-H, Dahmann D, Siemiatycki J, Kromhout H, Vermeulen R, Peters S, Olsson A, Brüske I, Wichmann H-E, Stücker I, Guida F, Tardón A, Merletti F, Mirabelli D, Richiardi L, Pohlabeln H, Ahrens W, Landi MT, Caporaso N, Pesatori AC, Mukeriya A, Szeszenia-Dabrowska N, Lissowska J, Gustavsson P, Field J, Marcus MW, Fabianova E, ’t Mannetje A, Pearce N, Rudnai P, Bencko V, Janout V, Dumitru RS, Foretova L, Forastiere F, McLaughlin J, Demers P, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Schüz J, Straif K, Brüning T
Original article 2014;40(4):420-427   pdf full text
Occupational asbestos exposure and risk of oral cavity and pharyngeal cancer in the prospective Netherlands Cohort Study
Offermans NSM, Vermeulen R, Burdorf A, Goldbohm RA, Keszei AP, Peters S, Kauppinen T, Kromhout H, van den Brandt PA
Review 2002;28(6):371-385   pdf
Dermal exposure assessment in occupational epidemiologic research
Vermeulen R, Stewart P, Kromhout H