pdf full text How effective are organizational-level interventions in improving the psychosocial work environment, health, and retention of workers? A systematic overview of systematic reviews
pdf full text Work-related exposure to violence or threats and risk of mental disorders and symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Original article2019;45(2):146-157
pdf full text Participatory organizational intervention for improved use of assistive devices in patient transfer: a single-blinded cluster randomized controlled trial
pdf full text Effort–reward imbalance at work and risk of depressive disorders. A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
Original article2015;41(6):529-541
pdf full text Implementation of the Danish return-to-work program: process evaluation of a trial in 21 Danish municipalities
Original article2014;40(1):47-56
pdf full text Effect of the Danish return-to-work program on long-term sickness absence: results from a randomized controlled trial in three municipalities
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