Author: Kompier M

Review 2023;49(5):315-329   pdf full text
How effective are organizational-level interventions in improving the psychosocial work environment, health, and retention of workers? A systematic overview of systematic reviews
Aust B, Møller JL, Nordentoft M, Frydendall KB, Bengtsen E, Jensen AB, Garde AH, Kompier M, Semmer N, Rugulies R, Jaspers SØ
Editorial 2016;42(5):355-358   pdf full text
Organizational stress management interventions: Is it the singer not the song?
Kompier M, Aust B
Editorial 2005;31(6):405-408   pdf
Assessing the psychosocial work environment—“subjective” versus “objective” measurement
Kompier M
Editorial 2004;30(2):81-83   pdf
Assessing methodological quality and biological plausibility in occupational health psychology
Kompier M, Taris TW
Editorial 2003;29(1):1-4   pdf
Challenges in longitudinal designs in occupational health psychology
Taris TW, Kompier M
Editorial 2002;28(1):1-4   pdf
The psychosocial work environment and health - what do we know and where should we go?
Kompier M