Key term: work

Amendments and corrections 2007;33(3):240-240   pdf
Re: Ahonen EQ, Benavides FG, Benach J. Immigrant populations, work and health—a systematic literature review. Scand J Work Environ Health 2007;33(2):96–104.
Ahonen EQ, Benavides FG, Benach J
Review 2007;33(2):96-104   pdf
Immigrant populations, work and health—a systematic literature review
Ahonen EQ, Benavides FG, Benach J
Article 2002;28 suppl 2:16-20   pdf
Prevalence of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke at work and at home — 15-year trends in Finland
Jousilahti P, Helakorpi S
Editorial 2002;28 suppl 2:3-6   pdf
Environmental tobacco smoke—a major preventable cause of impaired health at work
Zitting A, Husgafvel-Pursiainen K, Rantanen J
Article 2006;32(6):493-501   pdf
Psychosocial stress and impaired sleep
Åkerstedt T
Article 2006;32(6):482-492   pdf
Recovery as an explanatory mechanism in the relation between acute stress reactions and chronic health impairment
Geurts SAE, Sonnentag S
Discussion paper 2006;32(2):160-167   pdf
Preventing injury, illness and disability at work
Frank J, Cullen K; Institute for Work & Health Ad Hoc Working Group
Editorial 2006;32(2):89-90   pdf
Prevention of disability at work
Kristensen P
Supplement article 2005;31 suppl 2:75-87   pdf
Effectiveness of measures and implementation strategies in reducing physical work demands due to manual handling at work
van der Molen HF, Sluiter JK, Hulshof CTJ, Vink P, Frings-Dresen MHW
Opinion 2005;31(5):401-403   pdf
Opportunities and challenges for collaboration in research and practice in injury prevention across work and other settings
Breslin FC, Shannon H
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