
Scand J Work Environ Health 2005;31 suppl 2:110-115    pdf

The Galaxen model—a concept for rehabilitation and prevention in the construction industry

by Stenlund B

The Galaxen model was developed during the late 1980s to provide rehabilitation and prevention activities in the construction industry. It handles around 1200 workers with long-term sick leave or partial disabilities annually, some 10% of whom annually leave Galaxen for an ordinary job without a wage subsidy. The model includes a decision by a rehabilitation board of representatives from the employers, the trade union, and the regional employment office, a rehabilitation plan, allotment of a case manager, wage subsidies from the State to the company, a search for a suitable job in relation to the partial disability. It also includes a preventive program with emphasis on practical ergonomics. The Galaxen model has proved to be a suitable means of rehabilitating construction workers and returning them to the workforce. The model was developed within the Swedish social security system but could well be adjusted to other contexts.