Scand J Work Environ Health 2024;50(7):567-576 pdf full text | Published online: 06 Jul 2024, Issue date: 01 Oct 2024
Research topics in occupational medicine, 1990–2022: A text-mining-applied bibliometric study
Objective Occupational health has been influenced by societal and industrial changes. This study aimed to clarify topic trends in occupational health research in 1990–2022.
Methods We conducted a text-mining-adjusted bibliometric study using research titles in occupational health. Data on research titles and the years of publication were collected from 26 peer-reviewed journals on PubMed. Using morphological and correspondence analyses in text mining, we structured research topics into multiple categories and visualized the relationship between all categories and publication years. Statistical analyses were conducted using the text mining software – KH Coder 3.0.
Results We obtained 48 645 articles containing 714 890 words in their titles. The research topics were classified into 4 categories and 17 subcategories, of which those of occupations; countries; non-intervention; psychosocial factors; lifestyle factors; safety; symptoms; therapy and care; and productivity have recently shown an increasing trend. In contrast, the subcategories of risk, chemical factors, disease, and organ damage showed decreasing trends. Chemical factors, which were the main topics in the 1990s, included risk, organ damage, and disease. Productivity, the main topic in the 2020s, co-occurred with lifestyle factors, symptoms, and intervention.
Conclusions Focal areas in occupational-health research shift according to societal trends. Occupational-health research has primarily analyzed issues in developed countries with capitalist values and may not have sufficiently covered issues in developing countries. It is imperative for policymakers and public funding bodies to determine priorities for investigation in the field.
Key terms bibliographic study; bibliometric analysis; bibliometric study; industrial medicine; occupational medicine; research topic; text mining