Author: Jensen LD

Commentary 2013;39(4):423-424   pdf full text
Notification of occupational disease and risk of work disability – authors’ response to commentaries
Kolstad HA, Christensen MV, Jensen LD, Schlünssen V, Thulstrup AM, Bonde JP
Original article 2013;39(4):411-419   pdf full text
Notification of occupational disease and the risk of work disability: a two-year follow-up study
Kolstad HA, Christensen MV, Jensen LD, Schlünssen V, Thulstrup AM, Bonde JP
Original article 2001;27(6):388-394   pdf
Do psychosocial strain and physical exertion predict onset of low-back pain among nursing aides?
Gonge H, Jensen LD, Bonde JP