Author: Hegewald J

Original article 2024;50(3):142-151   pdf full text
Night shift work and cardiovascular diseases among employees in Germany: five-year follow-up of the Gutenberg Health Study
Jankowiak S, Rossnagel K, Bauer J, Schulz A, Liebers F, Latza U, Romero Starke K, Seidler A, Nübling M, Riechmann-Wolf M, Letzel S, Wild P, Arnold N, Beutel M, Pfeiffer N, Lackner K, Münzel T, Schulze A, Hegewald J
Original article 2017;43(6):509-518   pdf full text
Breast cancer and exposure to aircraft, road, and railway-noise: a case–control study based on health insurance records
Hegewald J, Schubert M, Wagner M, Dröge P, Prote U, Swart E, Möhler U, Zeeb H, Seidler A
Original article 2008;34(4):316-321   pdf
Meteorological conditions and the diagnosis of occupationally related contact sensitizations
Hegewald J, Uter W, Kränke B, Schnuch A, Pfahlberg A, Gefeller O