Author: Dimich-Ward H

Original article 1989;15(6):424-429   pdf
A comparison of exposure estimates by worker raters and industrial hygienists.
Teschke K, Hertzman C, Dimich-Ward H, Ostry A, Blair J, Hershler R
Original article 2005;31(1):75-81   pdf
Impact of smoking policy on the respiratory health of food and beverage servers
Dimich-Ward H, Lawson J, Hingston A, Chan-Yeung M
Original article 1996;22(4):267-273   pdf
Reproductive effects of paternal exposure to chlorophenate wood preservatives in the sawmill industry
Dimich-Ward H, Hertzman C, Teschke K, Hershler R, Marion SA, Ostry A, Kelly S