Author: Hershler R

Original article 1989;15(6):424-429   pdf
A comparison of exposure estimates by worker raters and industrial hygienists.
Teschke K, Hertzman C, Dimich-Ward H, Ostry A, Blair J, Hershler R
Original article 2001;27(1):70-75   pdf
Comparison of expert-rater methods for assessing psychosocial job strain
Ostry AS, Marion SA, Demers PA, Hershler R, Kelly S, Teschke K, Mustard C, Hertzman C
Original article 2000;26(3):273-278   pdf
Downsizing and industrial restructuring in relation to changes in psychosocial conditions of work in British Columbia sawmills
Ostry A, Marion S, Green LW, Demers P, Teschke K, Hershler R, Kelly S, Hertzman C
Original article 1996;22(4):267-273   pdf
Reproductive effects of paternal exposure to chlorophenate wood preservatives in the sawmill industry
Dimich-Ward H, Hertzman C, Teschke K, Hershler R, Marion SA, Ostry A, Kelly S