Author: Shannon HS

Letter to the Editor 1989;15(3):239-239   pdf
Re: Chronic lung disease and occupational dust exposure
Muir DCF, Stock S, Shannon HS, Oxman AD
Original article 1999;25(5):404-409   pdf
Comparison of four peak spinal loading exposure measurement methods and their association with low-back pain
Neumann WP, Wells RP, Norman RW, Andrews DM, Frank J, Shannon HS, Kerr MS
Letter to the Editor 1995;21(1):69-69   pdf
Request for help with evaluations for occupational safety intervention
Guastello SJ, Shannon HS
Review 1995;21(1):3-14   pdf
Occupational back pain -- an unhelpful polemic
Frank JW, Pulcins IR, Kerr MS, Shannon HS, Stansfeld SA