Author: Neumann WP

Original article 2015;41(2):111-123   pdf full text
How compatible are participatory ergonomics programs with occupational health and safety management systems?
Yazdani A, Neumann WP, Imbeau D, Bigelow P, Pagell M, Theberge N, Hilbrecht M, Wells R
Review 2010;36(1):3-24   pdf
Systematic evaluation of observational methods assessing biomechanical exposures at work
Takala E-P, Pehkonen I, Forsman M, Hansson G-Å, Mathiassen SE, Neumann WP, Sjøgaard G, Veiersted KB, Westgaard RH, Winkel J
Discussion paper 2003;29(5):396-405   pdf
Methodological issues in evaluating workplace interventions to reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders through mechanical exposure reduction
Cole DC, Wells RP, Frazer MB, Kerr MS, Neumann WP, Laing AC; Ergonomic Intervention Evaluation Research Group
Original article 1999;25(5):404-409   pdf
Comparison of four peak spinal loading exposure measurement methods and their association with low-back pain
Neumann WP, Wells RP, Norman RW, Andrews DM, Frank J, Shannon HS, Kerr MS