Author: Sjøgaard G

Original article 2019;45(1):42-52   pdf full text
The impact of workplace ergonomics and neck-specific exercise versus ergonomics and health promotion interventions on office worker productivity: A cluster-randomized trial
Pereira M, Comans T, Sjøgaard G, Straker L, Melloh M, O’Leary S, Chen X, Johnston V
Original article 2012;38(5):467-475   pdf
Effect of individualized worksite exercise training on aerobic capacity and muscle strength among construction workers – a randomized controlled intervention study
Gram B, Holtermann A, Søgaard K, Sjøgaard G
Review 2010;36(1):3-24   pdf
Systematic evaluation of observational methods assessing biomechanical exposures at work
Takala E-P, Pehkonen I, Forsman M, Hansson G-Å, Mathiassen SE, Neumann WP, Sjøgaard G, Veiersted KB, Westgaard RH, Winkel J
Original article 2008;34(1):55-65   pdf
One-year randomized controlled trial with different physical-activity programs to reduce musculoskeletal symptoms in the neck and shoulders among office workers
Blangsted AK, Søgaard K, Hansen EA, Hannerz H, Sjøgaard G
Original article 1995;21(6):427-434   pdf
Musculoskeletal symptoms among sewing machine operators
Schibye B, Skov T, Ekner D, Christiansen JU, Sjøgaard G