Author: Dorrian J

Original article 2021;47(1):78-84   pdf full text
The impact of a meal, snack, or not eating during the night shift on simulated driving performance post-shift
Gupta CC, Centofanti S, Dorrian J, Coates AM, Stepien JM, Kennaway D, Wittert G, Heilbronn L, Catcheside P, Tuckwell GA, Coro D, Chandrakumar D, Banks S
Original article 2019;45(4):402-412   pdf full text
Associations between shift type, sleep, mood, and diet in a group of shift working nurses
Heath G, Dorrian J, Coates A
Review 2015;41(5):425-440   pdf full text
A systematic review of the sleep, sleepiness, and performance implications of limited wake shift work schedules
Short MA, Agostini A, Lushington K, Dorrian J