Author: Veulemans H

Original article 1987;13(3):239-242   pdf
Field study of the urinary excretion of ethoxyacetic acid during repeated daily exposure to the ethyl ether of ethylene glycol and the ethyl ether of ethylene glycol acetate.
Veulemans H, Groeseneken D, Masschelein R, Van Vlem E
Original article 1994;20(6):451-458   pdf
Urinary mandelic acid and hemoglobin adducts in fiberglass-reinforced plastics workers exposed to styrene.
Severi M, Pauwels W, Van Hummelen P, Roosels D, Kirsch-Volders M, Veulemans H
Original article 1998;24(4):308-311   pdf
Experience with a vocabulary test for workers previously and still exposed to styrene
Viaene M, Veulemans H, Masschelein R