Key term: circadian

Original article 2022;48(1):41-51   pdf full text
Changes in melatonin and sex steroid hormone production among men as a result of rotating night shift work – the HORMONIT study
Harding BN, Castaño-Vinyals G, Palomar-Cros A, Papantoniou K, Espinosa A, Skene DJ, Middleton B, Gomez-Gomez A, Navarrete JM, Such P, Torrejón A, Kogevinas M, Pozo OJ
Original article 2015;41(4):377-383   pdf full text
Occupational history of night shift work and Parkinson’s disease in Denmark
Schernhammer ES, Lassen CF, Kenborg L, Ritz B, Olsen JH, Hansen J
Original article 2011;37(1):62-69   pdf
A phase-advanced, extended sleep paradigm to increase sleep duration among early-morning shift workers: a preliminary investigation
Yeung J, Sletten TL, Rajaratnam SM
Original article 1998;24 suppl 3:109-114   pdf
Diurnal trends in mood and performance do not all parallel alertness
Owens DS, Macdonald I, Tucker P, Sytnik N, Minors D, Waterhouse J, Totterdell P, Folkard S