Key term: health-related behavior

Original article 2024;50(4):257-267   pdf full text
Relationship between long working hours and smoking behaviors: Evidence from population-based cohort studies in Korea
Baek S-U, Lim M-H, Kim T, Lee Y-M, Won J-U, Yoon J-H
Original article 2014;40(6):557-568   pdf full text
Evaluation of an mHealth intervention aiming to improve health-related behavior and sleep and reduce fatigue among airline pilots
van Drongelen A, Boot CRL, Hynek H, Twisk JWR, Smid T, van der Beek AJ
Review 2014;40(1):5-18   pdf full text
The association between long working hours and health: A systematic review of epidemiological evidence
Bannai A, Tamakoshi A
Original article 2007;33(5):344-350   pdf
Gender perspective in the analysis of the relationship between long workhours, health and health-related behavior
Artazcoz L, Cortès I, Borrell C, Escribà-Agüir V, Cascant L
Review 2003;29(3):171-188   pdf
Long workhours and health
van der Hulst M