Key term: case report

Case report 2016;42(1):80-85   pdf full text
Asbestos in toys: an exemplary case
Silvestri S, Di Benedetto F, Raffaelli C, Veraldi A
Case report 1986;12(4):277-279   pdf
Vibration exposure - a modifier of the onset of amyloid polyneuropathy: a case report
Hagberg M, Almay J, Kolmodin-Hedman B, Zetterlund B
Case report 2010;36(3):266-267   pdf
Occupational rhinosinusitis due to etoposide, an antineoplastic agent
Meyer HW, Stahl Skov P
Case report 1980;6(2):153-157   pdf
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis in a sawmill worker. A case report.
Terho EO, Husman K, Kotimaa M, Sjöblom T
Short communication 1982;8(2):141-145   pdf
Allergy to the complex salts of platinum. A review of the literature and three case reports.
Ørbaek P
Case report 2009;35(6):475-478   pdf
Occupational asthma caused by inhalation of surfactant composed of amines
Villar-Gómez A, Muñoz X, Culebras M, Morell F, Cruz M-J
Case report 2009;35(2):153-155   pdf
Acute effects after occupational endotoxin exposure at a spa
Holm M, Johannesson S, Torén K, Dahlman-Höglund A
Case report 2008;34(5):403-404   pdf
Occupational rhinitis caused by tolyltriazole in metalworking fluids
Graff P, Elmsjö L, Björkander J, Flodin U
Case report 2007;33(2):153-159   pdf
Occupational vocal cord dysfunction due to exposure to wood dust and xerographic toner
Muñoz X, Roger A, De la Rosa D, Morell F, Cruz MJ
Case report 2007;33(1):74-78   pdf
Occupational asthma and rhinitis in workers from a lasamide production line
Klusáčková P, Lebedová J, Pelclová D, Šalandová J, Šenholdová Z, Navrátil T
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