Key term: systematic literature review

Review 2021;47(7):489-508   pdf full text
Psychosocial work exposures and health outcomes: a meta-review of 72 literature reviews with meta-analysis
Niedhammer I, Bertrais S, Witt K
Review 2019;45(2):103-113   pdf full text
Systematic literature review on the effects of occupational safety and health (OSH) interventions at the workplace
Andersen JH, Malmros P, Ebbehoej NE, Flachs EM, Bengtsen E, Bonde JP
Review 2017;43(3):197-209   pdf full text
Parkinson’s disease and occupational exposures: a systematic literature review and meta-analyses
Gunnarsson L-G, Bodin L
Review 2010;36(3):189-201   pdf
Associations between work-related factors and specific disorders of the shoulder – a systematic review of the literature
van Rijn RM, Huisstede BMA, Koes BW, Burdorf A