Key term: nerve conduction

Original article 2010;36(4):299-304   pdf
Modeling the cost–benefit of nerve conduction studies in pre-employment screening for carpal tunnel syndrome
Evanoff B, Kymes S
Original article 1986;12(4):382-384   pdf
Peripheral circulatory and nervous response to various frequencies of local vibration exposure
Nohara S, Okamoto K, Okada A
Original article 1976;2(4):225-231   pdf
Relationships between lead absorption and peripheral nerve conduction velocities in lead workers.
Araki S, Honma T
1981;7 suppl 4:40-47   pdf
Neurobehavioral effects of methyl bromide inhalation exposures.
Anger WK, Setzer JV, Russo JM, Brightwell WS, Wait RG, Johnson BL
Original article 1996;22(5):374-380   pdf
Three-year follow-up of serial nerve conduction among lead-exposed workers
Chia S-E, Chia K-S, Chia H-P, Ong C-N, Jeyaratnam J