Key term: labor force participation

Original article 2021;47(3):224-232   pdf full text
Effects of changes in early retirement policies on labor force participation: the differential effects for vulnerable groups
Oude Hengel KM, Riumallo-Herl C, Schram JLD, Nieboer D, van der Beek AJ, Burdorf A
Editorial 2021;47(1):1-3   pdf full text
Increasing labor force participation in older age requires investments in work ability
Laaksonen M
Original article 2013;39(1):46-56   pdf full text
Economic evaluation of a participatory return-to-work intervention for temporary agency and unemployed workers sick-listed due to musculoskeletal disorders
Vermeulen SJ, Heymans MW, Anema JR, Schellart AJM, van Mechelen W, van der Beek AJ